Lombardi Hill Consulting

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 Update on Volume Requirements for Stroke Center Certification

Questions have been circulating about whether volume requirements for eligibility might be reduced in response to lower stroke volumes seen around the country in the early months of the pandemic. This primarily affects initial certification and recertification of TSC/PSC+ and CSC programs.

I’ve been in contact with all three certifying agencies and this is the most current information:

DNV – NO changes to-date in eligibility volumes for PSC+ or CSC.
HFAP – NO changes to-date in eligibility volumes for TSC or CSC.
Joint Commission – A temporary reduction in eligibility volumes for TSCs and CSCs was announced last week. Below are the details: 

For initial certification between now and February 2021, CSCs and TSCs must meet 80% of the eligibility volumes as indicated below:

Mechanical Thrombectomy For Hospitals and PhysiciansFor both CSC and TSC
12 in previous 12 months or, 24 in previous 24 months
Aneurysm Clipping/CoilingCSC
12 in previous 12 months or, 24 in previous 24 months
Aneurysmal SAHCSC
16 in previous 12 months or, 32 in previous 24 months

For recertification between now and February 2021, CSCs and TSCs must meet 50% of the eligibility volumes for mechanical thrombectomy and 75% for SAH and clipping and coilings as indicated below:

Mechanical Thrombectomy For Hospitals and PhysiciansFor both CSC and TSC
8 in previous 12 months or, 24 in previous 24 months
Aneurysm Clipping/CoilingCSC
12 in previous 12 months or, 24 in previous 24 months
Aneurysmal SAHCSC
15 in previous 12 months or, 30 in previous 24 months

You can confirm this information with your hospital’s Joint Commission account executive. It will be published in the November 2020 issue of Joint Commission Perspectives (which your hospital regulatory department receives).

Lastly, Sarah Livesay and I are hosting a LIVE EVENT on October 15 for stroke coordinators to share experiences with certification reviews during the pandemic. If you are a stroke program leader or coordinator and would like to join, please email me at debbie.hill@strokechallenges.com for an invite to the LIVE EVENT.

Best regards,

Thank you for all you are doing during this pandemic. 
I hope this finds you well and safe. 

Best regards,

Visit our websites: www.lombardihill.com and http://www.strokechallenges.com

Readiness/Gap Analysis
Mock Surveys
Business Planning

If you are interested in a Readiness Assessment or an on-site “Mock Survey” before your actual PSC, TSC, PSC+ or CSC review, email Debbie at debbie@lombardihill.com  for a quote.  

Virtual Consulting
Live and On-demand Webinars